Chemistry – LiFePO4
Nominal V – DC 13.0 V
Weight – 72.7 oz (2060 g)
Volume (excl wires) – 63.3 in³ (1037 cm³)
Claimed capacity – 20,000 mAh
320 mA (0.016 C) discharge rate – test not performed
1300 mA (0.65 C) discharge rate – test not performed
2100 mA (0.105 C) discharge rate – 13,308 mAh capacity, running time 6:17:40
10,000 mA (0.5 C) discharge rate – 13,134 mAh capacity, running time 1:18:15
TR Cycle – (alt. 0.18-1.8 A discharge) – 14,400 mAh capacity, running time 19:40:31
Measured Energy – 187.20 Wh @ 0.3 C rate
Measured Specific Energy – 2.57 Wh/oz (91 Wh/kg)
Measured Energy Density – 2.96 Wh/in³ (181Wh/L)
This battery was constructed with four “A123 20 Ah” pouch cells in series. These cells were represented as genuine A123 but when received bore different markings than the verified A123s we have purchased in the past. They may have been genuine rejects or just plain fakes, either way they delivered 72% of their rated capacity. The genuine A123s often deliver more than rated capacity.